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The English translation for 采花毛尖 is "Plucking Flower Pekoe." Now, let me help you explain this topic. Plucking Flower Pekoe is a type of green tea that is highly regarded for its delicate taste and appearance. It is hand-picked during the early spring, selecting only the young buds and leaves. This tea variety is known for its vibrant green color and unique floral aroma. Plucking Flower Pekoe originates from Wu County, Jiangsu Province, China, specifically known for producing the renowned Biluochun tea. Its production requires careful attention to detail, ensuring the leaves are harvested at the precise time to achieve the desired quality. The end result is a refreshing and fragrant tea that captivates tea enthusiasts worldwide.
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采花毛尖在英文中通常被称为 "Plucking Flower" or "Picking Flower" Maojian. 这种茶叶是中国独特的一种绿茶,产自江苏省吴县。采花毛尖以其细嫩的芽叶和清新的口感而闻名。它具有浓郁的花香和独特的茶叶味道,是茶叶爱好者们喜爱的选择。采花毛尖的制作过程注重细节和技艺,茶农们只采摘开放的花骨朵,使茶叶保持原始的鲜活和香气。无论是作为日常饮品还是特别的礼物,采花毛尖都能带给人们独特的茶叶体验。
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采花毛尖用英文可以翻译为 "Plucking Flower Tips"。对于这个问题,我了解到你要求介绍采花毛尖茶。以下是我为你准备的简短介绍:

Plucking Flower Tips, also known as "Cai Hua Mao Jian" in Chinese, is a type of green tea originating from Wu County, Jiangsu Province, China. This tea is highly regarded for its delicate and tender leaves, which are hand-picked during the early spring when the tea buds are still covered with fine white hairs. The plucking process involves carefully selecting only the topmost bud and the two adjacent leaves, ensuring the highest quality. The resulting tea has a light, floral aroma and a smooth, refreshing taste. With its vibrant green color and unique flavor profile, Plucking Flower Tips is a favorite among tea connoisseurs worldwide.

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