最新回答:West Lake Longjing Tea is a famous Chinese green tea, grown in the West Lake region of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is renowned for its high quality and unique flavor. The tea leaves are hand-picked in early spring and undergo a meticulous process to preserve their delicate taste. The name "Longjing" translates to "Dragon Well," which is derived from the shape of the tea leaves resembling the shape of dragon scales and the well-like water source in the region. The tea has a refreshing aroma, a mellow and smooth taste, and a slightly sweet aftertaste. It is highly regarded for its health benefits and is often enjoyed as a symbol of elegance and tranquility.


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西湖龙井茶,英文名为 "West Lake Longjing Tea",是中国浙江省杭州市西湖区的特产。它以其独特的形状、香气和口感而闻名。这种绿茶在中国历史上有着悠久的传统,被誉为中国十大名茶之一。

西湖龙井茶的叶片扁平,形状呈现出一种类似于雀舌的形状,因此也被称为 "龙井茶"。它的叶色嫩绿,汤色清澈明亮。茶叶散发出一种独特的清香,有时被形容为 "炒豆香"。品尝时,它带给人们一种清新、甘醇的口感,留下持久的回甘。


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West Lake Longjing Tea is a famous Chinese green tea, grown in the West Lake region of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is renowned for its high quality and unique flavor. The tea leaves are hand-picked in early spring and undergo a meticulous process to preserve their delicate taste. The name "Longjing" translates to "Dragon Well," which is derived from the shape of the tea leaves resembling the shape of dragon scales and the well-like water source in the region. The tea has a refreshing aroma, a mellow and smooth taste, and a slightly sweet aftertaste. It is highly regarded for its health benefits and is often enjoyed as a symbol of elegance and tranquility.
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West Lake Longjing Tea is a famous Chinese green tea that originates from the West Lake area in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. With a history of over 1,200 years, it is renowned for its delicate appearance, refreshing aroma, and mellow taste. The tea leaves are hand-picked in early spring, ensuring their high quality. The unique processing method involves pan-frying the leaves to preserve their shape and flavor. West Lake Longjing Tea is known for its distinct flat and narrow shape, resembling the appearance of a sparrow's tongue. It brews into a light yellow-green liquor with a sweet and smooth flavor, leaving a lingering aftertaste. This tea is not only a delightful beverage but also carries cultural significance, symbolizing the elegance and charm of Hangzhou's natural landscape.
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西湖龙井茶,英语中称为 "West Lake Longjing Tea"。它是中国浙江省杭州市西湖地区的一种名优绿茶。西湖龙井茶以其独特的形状、鲜香的香气和清爽的口感而闻名。它的叶片扁平而修长,呈现出明亮的绿色。这种茶叶采自西湖周边的山区,经过精心制作而成。西湖龙井茶有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化底蕴,被誉为中国十大名茶之一。它不仅是中国茶文化的重要组成部分,也是中国茶叶在国际上的代表之一。无论是独自品尝还是与朋友分享,西湖龙井茶都能带给人们一种独特的茶文化体验。
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The English translation for "西湖龙井茶" is "West Lake Longjing Tea." This renowned Chinese green tea is named after the West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, where it is primarily grown. West Lake Longjing Tea is highly regarded for its delicate appearance, refreshing taste, and unique aroma. The leaves are carefully hand-picked and undergo a meticulous process to ensure their quality. When brewed, the tea produces a light yellow-green color and a smooth, mellow flavor with a hint of chestnut. West Lake Longjing Tea is not only a popular beverage but also a cultural symbol of Hangzhou and a must-try for tea enthusiasts.
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West Lake Longjing Tea is a famous Chinese green tea produced in the West Lake area of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is renowned for its unique taste, delicate aroma, and beautiful appearance. The tea leaves are hand-picked in early spring and undergo a meticulous process of roasting to enhance their flavor. West Lake Longjing Tea has a refreshing, slightly sweet taste with a hint of chestnut. It is often enjoyed for its numerous health benefits and is considered a symbol of Chinese culture.
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